Why should I use a Bookkeeper?

We could give you “The Top Ten Reasons to Use a Bookkeeper” BUT the Bottom Line is that your Bottom Line will be better if you do what you’re good at!

Sell, build, design, whatever your expertise is. Let me handle your bookkeeping. That’s my area of expertise!

Call Lois Walton Bookkeeping Services today.

Satisfied Clients

are our

Biggest Measure of Success


Services Overview

Backed by formal post-seondary training in both Accounting and Professional Bookkeeping and experience in the Accounting industry, we provide quality, confidential Bookkeeping Services, tailored to meet the needs of your business.

Service Area

Lois Walton Bookkeeping services the Grey-Bruce Area. Our clients are come from such places as: Southampton, Port Elgin, Owen Sound, Meaford and Wiarton.

Hours of Business

Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Contact Us

Please contact us and book your consultation appointment to review your business needs.


Address:670 2nd Ave. SE Owen Sound